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Giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. The Giraffe has a body length of almost 9 to 15 feet. Giraffe has long legs, a sloping back and a very long neck. It has medium sized ears, large eyes and a long muzzle. The male giraffe is called bull while female giraffe is called cow. The baby giraffe is called calf. Giraffe is herbivorous. It uses its long neck and tongue to get leaves on tree. Its favorite types of leaves are from the Acacia tree. It does not drink water as it gets it from leaves. But whenever it drinks water it drinks several gallons at a time. Giraffes also have large hearts. They need these large hearts to pump blood all the way up their long necks. The life span of a giraffe is approximately 25-28 years.

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